Global ITF Open

Taekwon-Do Championships

Easter 2017 – Melbourne is the place to be

Global Champs








We cordially invite your school’s participation in the biggest and most inclusive week of ITF Taekwon-Do activities held in Australia’s 40+ year history. It all happens over the Easter period in Melbourne.

 It kicks of with the Global ITF Open Championships, held on Saturday 15th April at the Caroline Springs Leisure Center.

 The event is open for all ages, all ranks and all ITF practitioners, and wil include both teams and individual sparring and patterns.

 The same evening we have the first ever, and long overdue, ITF Hall of Fame for the Australia region.

 Whilst we already have some outstanding nominees from Australia and New Zealand, we encourage you to not only attend, but to nominate those you feel have much a great contribution to ITF in this region. (more info:

 Then on Easter Sunday we kick of the most diverse and comprehensive Global Masters Seminars elective series held in Australia, with all sessions conducted by ITF Master Instructors.

 In most cases, all seminars are open to all ranks (see program below –, and all ITF practitioners are welcome.

 The Sunday Mass Seminar will be held in the tournament venue, due to the size of eligible participants.

 The Sunday seminar will folowed by an ITF Black Belt grading open to all ITF practitioners, regardless of affiliation. Where possible, we will ensure an examiner from each testing candidate’s group is on the panel.

 All remaining seminars from Sunday to Tuesday will be held at the ITF Centre of Excellence, Australia’s most equipped Taekwon-Do specific dojang, and include seminar options such as Sparring, Self Defense, Breaking, Gup Patterns, 1st-3rd Degree Patterns, 4th – 7th Degree Patterns.

 Participants may choose which seminars to attend, or can attend all as part of a package.

 Whilst we understand the Easter period does not suit all people, it was the most logical time to embark on such an ambitious program, with a large block of public holidays allowing visitors to travel.

 At this time we already have well over 50 early-bird registered competitors and participants from 4 countries, with many more pledges.

 We have special incentives for participants, including FREE Easter Eggs for all the kids.

 As well as receiving an online discounted spectator rate, all pre-booked spectator fees will be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

Naturally, spectators will also be able to pay at the door.

 We hope you will encourage your members to come along, not only to be part of such an historic event, but also to support such a worthy cause.

 Yours in Taekwon-Do

 Michael Muleta

Organizer and Host

                                                   Global Masters Seminar Program

Sunday 16th April

Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre

 9.30am – 11.30pm         4th – 7th Degree Patterns Seminar

12noon – 2.00pm            Self Defence Seminar 

2.30pm – 4.30pm            1st – 3rd Degree Patterns Seminar

Monday 17th April

Venue: ITF Centre of Excellence, 244 Ballarat Rd, Braybrook

10.00am – 12.00pm         Breaking Seminar  

1.00pm – 3.00pm             ITF Sparring Seminar 

3.30pm – 5.30pm              Technical Seminar

6.30pm – 8.30pm             Gup Patterns Seminar

Online registrations NOW OPEN –

Register for Tournament Here

Register for Seminars Here

Register for ITF Hall Of Fame Banquet Here

Purchase Spectator Passes here

  • Tournament Entry – one fee, unlimited events
  • Seminar Gold Package – unlimited seminars
  • Seminar elective options – sign up for individual seminars
  • Spectator Passes – all advanced spectator purchases donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal
  • Book a seat at the Banquet


For those who prefer to print and mail forms in , download forms here:

Global ITF Open Tournament Forms
Download PDF File