Master Muleta Rockhampton Seminar

muleta rockhampton

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Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree Black Belt and President / Technical Director of United ITF Taekwondo Australia Inc, and Chief Instructor of Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do, as part of a series of seminars across Australia, will be conducting a Technical seminar in Rockhampton, Qld on Saturday 10th September at the Rockhampton Girls Grammar School.

The day will be structured accordingly:

  • 10.30am – 1.30pm – Seminar (All levels)

  • 2.00pm – Degree Testing

No payments will be permitted on the day

As per UITF Constitution, it is expected that every UITF Inc member makes every effort to attend the Technical Director’s seminar in their region. Non-members also welcome to attend

* Note: This is a participant only event – no spectators or filming permitted.

Further enquiries email :

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